Paper Works 1990's
This series of work was made from toilet tissue and was sponsored by Kimberly-Clark throughout the 1990's. The white paper absorbs light and sound, containing strong tactile qualities and an inherent malleability. This material's beauty lies in it's impermanence and the knowledge that because it won't last and therefore can't be owned. When these works reached the end of their exhibiting lives they were dismantled and returned to the suppliers to be recycled and used for their original intention, as toilet paper. Thus thus forming a Circular Economy, this was way before the phrase existed.
At the time these large installations were made, (1990's) they attracted media attention and critical debate about the use of materials in contemporary art. The Guardian critic, Bob Clark (The Guardian Arts Peview 1996) wrote in response to Brian Sewell's rantings:
"Any artist who has enraged the London Evening Standards self-appointed arbiter of artistic decency Brian Sewell is a friend of mine. Susan Stockwell's sensuous pile-ups of toilet tissue have predictably sent him into paroxysms of fake disgust. Here she moulds the paper into elegant block sculptures. Forget the raw bog-roll material, feel the delicacy, the almost tremulous sensitivity of touch."
Susan Stockwell Site Specific Installation Bernard Jacobson Gallery, London 1994
Here: Artists Interventions at the Aldrich Museum, Connecticutt USA Stria 1998
Paper Spaces Neuberger Museum of Art SUNY Purchase, New York USA 1997
Embedded Battersea Art Centre, London 1997, Angel Row Gallery Nottingham 1997 & Library Art Centre Wrexham, Wales 1996
Artist in Residence & Installation Pallant House, Chichester 1996
Paper Works Susan Stockwell @ Jibby Beane London 1997
Susan Stockwell @ Scarborough Art Centre 1997
The Guardian Arts Peview Embedded by Bob Clark (see quote above)
Time Out Art Preview Susan Stockwell at Jibby Beane by Mark Currah 1997
Paper Tiger: Wrapped up in Art Nottingham Evening Post 1997
Here: Artists Interventions at the Aldrich Museum catalogue USA 1998
The Guardian, Home News, Artist Wraps Curator for Chichester Festival at Pallant House, Roger Bamber 1996
The Dailt Telegraph, The Arts: Galleries Making the Most of Everyday Needs by Jon Stock 1994
Time Out, Art Preview Sue Stockwell at Bernard Jacobson by Sue Hubbard, 1994
Daily Express Meet Arts Mistress of the Rolls by Mike Swaine 1994